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 Surveys & Testing
  • Topographic Surveys

  • Topographic Surveys


FDL designs and executes a comprehensive set of surveying and testing services using state-of-the art, innovative technology in the field to generate current, accurate and reliable data. We specialise in non-destructive testing techniques aimed at cost reduction, time efficiency and quality to the Client’s benefit. We leverage our ICT system to achieve real time data synchronisation and parallel processing in the office, irrespective of location. Data collected first-hand in the field is valuable for corroboration purposes and to inform engineering analysis and design. 



❖ Traffic

❖Engineering (landslides,

   geomorphology, structures &     buildings)

❖ Topographic 

❖ Hydrographic 



❖Construction layout &                coordination

❖Aerial mapping support 

❖Development of site plans

❖Title search/easement                evaluation

❖ Non-destructive concrete tests

❖Evaluation of corrosion of             reinforcement in concrete

❖ Geotechnical investigations -         design and implementation

❖ Road pavement evaluation

Topographic survey (Monique and Ras).jpe
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